
I'm Oliver Webber, here with my research assistant, Kaydence Ribetnauer. You may not be able to see us because we're tucked in between these blades of grass, waiting for our next meal to fly in and land on one of them. To nourish our bodies and souls, we ponder leaves. We encourage contemplation... especially in regard to issues that will have to be handled when we become worm grub. We hope to motivate others to thoughtfully cultivate preferences and decisions while still vigorously leaping around. We recommend croaking... using voices to broadcast wishes before it's too late to have a voice in this matter. Other than a sumptuous supply of insects, this is assuredly the most "toad-ally" considerate gift we could leave for our life companions! Don't you agree? We invite you to get your feet wet by joining our pond of pondering pre-planners. Let's make croaking meaningful!

Saturday, August 31, 2013



Here’s a question for you to ponder:  Why waste the heat generated by combustion of bodies in crematoria?  The smokestacks that channel byproducts of such operations emit a valuable resource in addition to the residual elements so often denounced as atmospheric contaminants.  But it is common practice to ignore the potential for utilization of this wellspring of heat energy.  

However, in Sweden the concept has come to fruition in a number of towns.  It gets cold in Sweden.  Provisions for keeping living bodies warm are mighty important.  Outdated, energy-inefficient cremation equipment that didn’t meet modern regulations for emission control caused town Fathers and facility operators to contemplate alternatives to standard operations.  One of their solutions was to harness heat from their crematoria rather than allowing it to be wastefully dispersed into the air.  The inaugural intention a few years ago was to heat their own premises first and then route it via a network to other local buildings, including homes.  Churches and other public facilities have been instilled with warmth this way.  Through a filtration system, toxins are removed prior to distribution. 

It is energy derived from fuel, not from the bodies, that provides the heat. High temperatures are necessary to complete the cremation process, so provisions are aplenty.   

Next time you are socially engaged in conversation with a local utility company executive (or a crematory operator), keep this in mind as a possible topic to introduce.  You might ignite a sizzling conversation!